We announced yesterday we are looking to Profile our current and new AC Color Stylists work in our blog and we will be posting them in the near future as a video series. The first 5 stylists to submit a Before and After Success Story to me along with pictures that support it will receive a Free Color Lock Shampoo and Conditioner. Email them to me ( Sales & Marketing Director) at christine@advancedcoloration.com

Today’s tip on showcasing your work and getting more color clients!
1. Place a nice video screen in your waiting area or your front desk space that rotates and show cases your Before and After Client Photos. You can even use a Digital Frame they are very easy and inexpensive to use.
2. Go “Old School” and make a photo book that you can show to the clients.
and if you have an iPad there is an app that you can get called eBook Magic that you can develop an ebook easily that you can organize your photos in a nice book format and use it as well to showcase your work.

PICTURES sell! Do a little work now or if you are technically challenged find a friend or even your kids can help you do these projects.

We have found the story of the Before and After Pictures of our color and how it transforms the client from dry and dull to Shiny and Beautiful is a very powerful business development tool.